Sunday, August 5, 2007

To everyone that is going to see the Borat movie...

...please don't be That Guy. Yes, we all enjoyed the movie. Yes, we all remember those funny lines. You don't need to repeat them for weeks after. I know that you think you are doing a SPOT ON impression. You aren't. You sound like a horses ass. And people make fun of you.

Listen up 'American Guys between the ages of 18-28'. The next time it occurs to you that you will be the life of the party if you open up your gullet and spew out something that you heard on TV or on a movie in the last week, do everyone a favor and just clamp down on your tongue. It wasn't funny the first eleven times you said it this evening, making it an even dozen isn't going to suddently breathe new life into it. Try this instead: the next time you want to say some Family Guy line or something you heard on the Office, instead think of an original funny comment and say THAT. Make a humerous observation. See that look in people's eyes? Thats a modicum of respect. And you earned that, buddy.

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