Friday, August 31, 2007

Celebrity Rap Superstar

First off, whoever greenlighted this show is getting fired. If this gets all the way to the end of the 'season' or whatever they want to call it, I'd be shocked and it would probably only be because they ran out of old episodes of Next to show on MTV. The goal is to match up a whose-who of washed up rappers (like Bubba Sparxxx....remember him? Yeah me either) who teach "celebrities" how to rap. Why the quotes? Because the all-star lineup includes an 80s rocker, Kevin Federlines first wife, one of Hugh Hefners girlfriends (the dumb one), a blogger, an old running back, some guy from Laguna Beach, two people whose only real credits are from being on Moesha, and Pedro. From Napolean Dynomite. HE CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH DSLFJDFKLFJLAADSF. If I had known that they were taking these kinds of Q-list celebrities, I might have considered hiring a manager and getting on the show myself.

Highlights include one guy not knowing a single word of his song, one guy trying to freestyle, and one guy, you know, not knowing how to speak english. The guy who doesn't know many english words will probably be back next week because HE WASN'T EVEN THE WORST ONE.

Also, DMC (you know....from Run DMC) was playing the Simon Cowell role and just shitting on everyone, which is pretty funny.

Also also, Kevin Hart is the host. Why is he still allowed on TV? His only real flaws were things like not knowing his words and running out of breath/getting horse. Shouldn't one of the requirements of hosting an hour long live show be that you have to be able to physically perform for the entire duration?

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